Different shapes and colours characterize the various species of the great family of the anemones.
There are many myths, legends and ancient customs related to this flower. According to Pliny the Elder, for example, the anemone had magical properties, and bringing one next to the heart, wrapped in a red canvas bag, would have been to ward off the evil eye.
Innovation and tradition are the keywords of our work. In the classic cultivation of anemones, we have anemones that are born and grow above ground in a soil rich in perlite.
Perlite is a material derived from volcanic rock, able to give the soil all the characteristics and properties perfect for the cultivation of specific plants.
Coconut fibre (like the perlite) enriches the substrate of the soil in which the flower is born and grows. In addition to properties such as good air-oxygen balance, perfect drainage and moisture control, coconut fiber is also environmentally friendly and recyclable.
In short, we produce eco-friendly anemones in addition to the beautiful anemones!
Anemoni Mistral
Anemoni Mistral Plus
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